Inner Circle Marketing Inc.

Inner Circle Marketing Inc. is an employment agency contracted by TNI the Network Inc. to help them fulfill fundraising initiatives for their non-profit clients. At Inner Circle Marketing, we are always on the search for talented fundraisers!  On site, we hire, train, manage and support TNI’s employees to help them reach their full potential. We pride ourselves in offering outstanding leadership and advancement opportunities. TNI The Network Inc. is proud to provide nation-wide fundraising services through a network of agencies located throughout Canada!

Our Values

Loyalty – To run a successful organization and have new blood sit next to you at the top, loyalty is the most important thing. Having each others’ back through thick and thin and never wavering

Integrity – The work we do requires we have a degree of integrity.

Resilience – “Tough times don’t last; tough people do.” In order to reach a desired level of success, there are always obstacles you must overcome, sacrifices that must be made, and difficult decisions that must be made. The resilient are bound to succeed.

Honesty – Honesty amongst each other is vital and will be the glue that holds everything together when we propel to new heights.

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